The Parish Churches of Long Buckby, Watford, West Haddon & Winwick

West Haddon


All Saints Church, High Street, West Haddon, Northampton, NN6 7AP

See Homepage for details about services: Home Page

Link to All Saints West Haddon: Facebook Page

Link to All Saints West Haddon: Instagram page

Link to Martin Heath (BBC Radio Northampton) interview with Julie Morgan on Sunday 14th May.  Audio Link

SERVICES in the Church 


Sunday 11th August @ 9:15am Holy Communion

Most Sunday Mornings at 10:30am on YouTube (See homepage for details)

Tea@3 happens each Month on the second Monday. 
Starts at 2:30pm in the Baptist church hall. Next Meeting on Mon Aug 12th .




Benefice Fellowship Day Photos

On Saturday 9th July 22 we enjoyed a Benefice Fellowship Day at All Saints West Haddon.
There were five workshops on different subjects. 



Photo from a Benefice Family Service. Avril with her granddaughter.


All Saints Church is open daily for private prayer from 9am to 4pm.


All Saints Church, High Street, West Haddon, Northampton, NN6 7AP


Link to All Saints West Haddon Facebook page

West Haddon

Historical Information

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